Partners of PETsys Electronics

CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics
link: is collaborating with CERN in the development and testing of state-of-the-art electronics for the readout of scintillation crystal output, which can be used in the next generation of medical devices. PETsys was invited by CERN to participate with others in the ClearPEM-Sonic project for the development of a multimodality scanner combining PEM with ultrasound capabilities. PETsys was responsible for the PEM developments.
Founded in 1954, the CERN laboratory sits astride the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of Europe's first joint ventures and now has 21 member states.
At CERN, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. They use the world's largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of matter – the fundamental particles.
The instruments used at CERN are purpose-built particle accelerators and detectors.
The involvement of CERN in the development of medical applications coming from its core activities has been increasing over the years.

CERN - European Laboratory for Particle Physics
link: collaborates with the Crystal Clear Collaboration in the optimization of photodetector and respective readout electronics performance through detailed knowledge of the scintillation properties of crystals used in medical applications.
Crystal Clear is an international collaboration active on research and development on inorganic scintillation materials for novel ionizing radiation detectors, for high-energy physics, medical imaging and industrial applications. It integrates 20 participating institutes from 12 countries.

The team of Prof S. Tavernier, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, has a long tradition in developing detectors for radiation detections and made major contributions to the development of the ClearPEM scanner.

EPFL - École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
link: is collaborating with EPFL in the development and testing of PET detectors, which are compatible with magnetic fields.
EPFL is a top-ranked research and teaching institution that attracts some of the best intellects in the world to its campus in an idyllic spot overlooking Lake Geneva and facing the Alps.

LIP – Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas
link: is the scientific leading institution of the PEM R&D consortium involved in the development of PETsys technology from the very beginning. PETsys is currently collaborating with LIP in the framework of a European Union research project (EndoTOFPET-US). LIP is also a Shareholder of PETsys Systems SA. LIP is a scientific and technical association that aims the research in the fields of Experimental High Energy Physics and Associated Instrumentation. LIP's research domains have grown to encompass Experimental High Energy Physics and Astroparticles, radiation detection instrumentation, data acquisition and data processing, advanced computing and applications to other fields, in particular Medical Physics. The main research activities of the lab are developed in the framework of large collaborations, in particular at CERN. In its three laboratories LIP has about 170 people, out of which 70 hold a PhD degree, and many are professors at the local universities.

FFCUL / IBEB - Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering
link: http://www.ibeb.fc.ul.ptIBEB is a member of PEM R&D consortium involved in the development of PETsys technology from the very beginning. FFCUL/IBEB is a shareholder of PETsys Systames S.A.. The focus of IBEB is on research and teaching in the areas where Physics, Engineering, Biology and Medicine overlap and interact. Special focus is given to medical imaging (MRI and PET) and image and signal processing. IBEB has about 30 people, out of which 13 hold a PhD degree, and many are professors at the local universities.
FFCUL stands for Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa, the hosting legal entity of IBEB.

INOV, INESC INOVAÇÃO – Instituto de Novas Tecnologias
link: is a member of PEM R&D consortium involved in the development of PETsys technology from the very beginning. INOV is also a Shareholder of PETsys Systems SA.
O INOV é uma instituição privada sem fins lucrativos, dedicada à investigação aplicada, ao desenvolvimento e à transferência de tecnologia, actuando na área das Tecnologias de Informação, Electrónica e Telecomunicações (TIEC).
Dispõe de um universo de colaboradores altamente qualificados e uma infra-estrutura tecnológica capazes de responder às exigências e necessidades do tecido económico, através de processos eficazes de desenvolvimento, transferência e endogeneização de tecnologia.

INESC-ID – Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores, I&D em Lisboa
link: http://www.inesc-id.ptINESC-ID is a member of PEM R&D consortium involved in the development of PETsys technology from the very beginning. INESC-ID is also a Shareholder of PETsys Systems SA.
INESC-ID is a research institute dedicated to advanced research and development in the areas of Electronics, Communications, and Information Technologies.
INESC-ID is a not for profit, privately owned institution, declared officially of public interest. INESC-ID is also an associate of two other R&D institutes: INOV - INESC Inovação – and INESC MN – INESC Microelectrónica e Nanotecnologias.

link: is a member of PEM R&D consortium involved in the development of PETsys technology from the very beginning. INEGI is also a Shareholder of PETsys Systems SA. INEGI is an interface Institution between University and Industry, oriented to the activities of Research and Development, Innovation and Technology Transfer. It was founded in 1986, among the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management (DEMEGI) of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.

IBILI - Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Life Sciences
link: is a member of PEM R&D consortium involved in the development of PETsys technology from the very beginning.
IBILI is a research Institution of the Faculty of Medicine – University of Coimbra. IBILI is an internationally recognized centre of excellence for research in health sciences. IBILI fosters an environment for research, education and training that promotes a multi-disciplinary approach to health sciences, crossing traditional boundaries between Medicine, Biology and Engineering. Integration between basic and clinical research is essential for the advance of modern health sciences and IBILI commits a major effort to support such integrated research programs.

AOSG - Azienda Ospedaliera San Gerardo - Monza
link: http://hsgerardo.orgAzienda Ospedaliera San Gerardo is currently undertaking a second set of clinical trials using the second PETsys’s Clear-PEM prototype for breast imaging.
Azienda Ospedaliera San Gerardo di Monza looks back eight centuries of tradition and healing service. It has today about 3.000 employees (doctors, nurses, technical and administrative staff) and a budget of about 400 million euros. The San Gerardo Hospital in Monza, the fourth public hospital, of Lombardy in size, lives in symbiosis with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Milan Bicocca.

ICNAS - Instituto de Ciências Nucleares Aplicadas à Saude
link: is currently undertaking tests of the use of the first PETsys’s Clear-PEM prototype, for small animal and brain imaging applications.
ICNAS (University of Coimbra) is a leading institution in molecular probe production and molecular imaging (given strong cyclotron and radiopharmacy related facilities). These pillars unite with in the largest medical imaging center in Portugal (with MR, PET and SPECT facilities) and have technical and scientific relevance at an European scale. ICNAS has unique expertise and equipment for development of imaging markers and studies in vision and brain imaging. ICNAS can run preclinical trials and Phase 0 microdosing studies, and imaging clinical trials in Humans. It also develops new imaging techniques in partnership with the industry and labels candidate drugs for scientific and industry studies.

HGO – Hospital Garcia de Orta
link: http://www.hgo.ptHGO was a member of PEM R&D consortium.

IPO-Porto - Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto
link: http://ipoporto.ptIPO-Porto has undertaken tests of the use of the first PETsys’s Clear-PEM prototype, for small animal and brain imaging applications.

APHM - Hôpital Marseille Nord
link:ôpital Marseille Nord has undertaken a set of clinical trials using the second PETsys’s Clear-PEM prototype for breast imaging.

Taguspark - Lisboa Science and Technology Park
link: was a member of PEM R&D consortium. Tagusparque - Sociedade de Promoção e Desenvolvimento do Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia da Área de Lisboa, SA – is a private limited company. The main activity is the establishment, development, promotion and management of Taguspark - Lisboa Science and Technology Park as well as to provide all supporting services deemed necessary to this activity.

SuperSonic Imagine
link: http://www.supersonicimagine.comPETsys and SuperSonic Imagine were partners in the ClearPEM-Sonic project in the development of a multimodality scanner combining PEM with ultrasound capabilities.
Founded in 2005 and based in Aix-en-Provence, France, SuperSonic Imagine is an innovative, multinational medical imaging company dedicated to developing a revolutionary ultrasound system: the Aixplorer®. This system leverages a unique MultiWave™ technology that enables the user to detect, characterize and, in the future, treat palpable and non-palpable masses.