PETsys Electronics Management Team embodies the vision settled by the company to become world provider in high-resolution medical imaging. The team gathers expertise from science and technology with a strong business and high-value technology transfer experience, in the world market.
Board of Directors

Joao Varela
PhD (President and CTO)
University Professor at IST and Researcher at CERN, inventor and promoter of the idea. 25 years’ experience in physics and management of very complex international projects including the Large Hadron Collider.
- Professor Joao Varela obtained a Habilitation in Physics fom Technical University of Lisbon/IST in 1990.
- He has PhD in high-energy physics from Ecole Polytechnique and University Paris XI, 1984.
- He has an Electrical Engineering degree from Technical University of Lisbon/IST, 1976.
- Investor and promoter of the idea. Senior scientist at CERN and also Project Director of the PET-Mammography consortium.
- Professor in the Department of Physics of IST, University of Lisbon.
- In 1986-93 was co-director of LIP (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Particle Physics) in Lisbon.
- Coordinated the LIP groups in the CERN experiments NA38/50, Delphi, and CMS at the Large Hadron Collider since 1992.
- He was member of several scientific boards at CERN.
- Since 2006 he is editor of the Journal of Instrumentation.
- He is co-author of more than 300 scientific publications in international journals.
- Has long experience in the coordination of international scientific and technological projects.

Stefaan Tavernier
PhD (Vice President and CSMO)
Over 30 years of academic and research experience in the area of nuclear instrumentation, including instrumentation for Nuclear Medicine. Full-time Professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. He had many important scientific and management responsibilities in international scientific organizations, including CERN.
- Professor Stefaan Tavernier obtained a Habilitation in Physics from Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 1984.
- He has a Ph.D. in Physics both from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel,and the Faculté des Sciences de Paris.
- He is Full professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) since 2000.
- He has over 45 years of academic and research experience in the area of nuclear instrumentation, including instrumentation for Nuclear Medicine (in Belgium and at CERN).
- He was the spokesperson of the NA25 experiment at CERN, and of the CERN Crystal Clear Collaboration for many years.
- Is author or co-author of more than 300 scientific publications, has registered 3 patents, and has written 2 scientific handbooks.
- Has been Scientific advisor for the company IBA (Ion Beam applications), CPI Crystal Photonics Inc., and Raytest.
- Had several important responsibilities in the management of his university, e.g. he was head of the physics department and chairperson of the research board for sciences and applied sciences during many years.

Vasco Varela
MSc (Board Member and CEO)
Over 20 years’ experience in management, innovation and technology transfer from University to market. Former CEO of SUN Microsystems’ local distributor. Board Member of several IT companies with active technology transfer operations.
- Vasco Varela has a long experience in managing private companies and in innovation and technology transfer activities. He was:
- CEO of PETsys Systems, since 2008 and in PETsys Electronics, since 2013;
- Executive director of an International Partnerships Program (2007-2012), with a 150 M€ budget, involving major international Universities (MIT, CMU, UTAustin, Harvard) and Portuguese Universities.
- Director of TAGUSPARK – Lisboa Science & Technology Park, 1992-2007 (20 M€ Equity; total investment over 100 M€).
- He has a background in Engineering and Management:
- Post Graduation in Management, AESE, 1994.
- Master in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Technical University of Lisbon/IST, 1981-1984 (at the nuclear reactor research facility, in Lisbon).
- Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunications, Technical University of Lisbon/IST, 1975-1980,

Pierre Jarron
PhD (Board Member)
Professor at the university of Torino and CERN scientific visitor. Ecole Polytechnique, degree in Electronics Engineering ESE, 1969. He has been senior scientist at CERN for 40 years until 2009. From 1993 to 2007, he was the leader of the CERN microelectronics group.
- Pierre Jarron is currently professor at the university of Torino and CERN scientific visitor.
- Ecole Polytechnique, Degree in electronics Engineering ESE, 1969.
- He has been senior scientist at CERN for 40 years until 2009.
- His research field was the development of silicon strip and silicon pixel detector in 1980 and their associated readout ASICs which are now currently used in LHC experiments.
- From 1984 to 1990 is joined UA2 CERN experiment for the development of the silicon tracker.
- IFrom 1990 to 1993 he developed the analog memory ASIC circuit for the LHC experiments.
- From 1993 to 2007, he was the leader of the CERN microelectronics group where he was leading the study of the radiation hardness of ASICs for LHC experiments and the development of several ASICs for ALICE, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb and Totem.
- He holds 5 patents in the fields of microelectronics, medical physics and biotechnology.
- He is author or co-author of more than 250 scientific publications.

Nuno Macedo
MSc (Board Member)
Representing Portugal Ventures SA, the first venture capital firm that invested in PETsys Electronics SA.
- Degree in Business Management, ISLA - Instituto Superior de Línguas e Administração, 1996.
- Post-Graduation in Markets and Financials Assets, INDEG-IUL/ISCTE Business School, 2001.
- OTOC, member nº 45.502.
- Nuno has over 18 years of experience in the Portuguese venture capital and private equity industry.
- He is currently part of Portugal Ventures' Venture Capital business unit.
- Worked at PME Investimentos and InovCapital.
- As an investment manager Nuno has been involved in investment opportunity screening, portfolio monitoring, mergers & acquisitions, and deal structuring, in different industry sectors, with focus in Biotech, Healthcare and IT industries, related with early-stage and seed capital investments.
- He also represents Portugal Ventures on several boards of directors of their portfolio companies.
Management Committee

Pedro Almeida
PhD (Senior Manager for Web Services and Product Certification)
At PETsys Electronics, Pedro Almeida is Senior Manager for Web Services and Product Certification. Assistant Professor at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. 15 years experience in R&D and project management
- Paris University and Service Hospitalier Frédéric Joliot – France, 1999, Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering.
- University of Lisbon, 1994, Master Degree in Biophysics; 1992, Degree in Applied Physics.
- Responsible Physicist at the Nuclear Medicine Department of Garcia de Orta Hospital (1999) and at the Nuclear Medicine Department of Quadrantes – Clínica Médica e Diagnóstico (since 2000).
- Consultant in Physics Applied to Nuclear Medicine (Phillips, Santa Cruz Hospital, Architectural Offices).
- Assistant Professor in Physics (Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering) at the Physics Department – Faculty of Sciences – University of Lisbon (since 1999).
- Principal Investigator of research group on Functional Imaging and Clinical Applications – IBEB-Lisbon Univ.
- IBEB Sub-director (2005-) and Director (2011-).
- Over 15 years in R&D projects with high market value.
- Over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications on physics applied to nuclear medicine.

Ricardo Bugalho
MSc (Senior Manager for System Design)
At PETsys Electronics, Ricardo Bugalho is Senior Manager for System Design.

Edgar Albuquerque
PhD (Senior Manager for Microelectronics)
At PETsys Electronics, Edgar Albuquerque is Senior Manager for Microelectronics.
- Edgar E. F. Albuquerque got his BSc., MSc. and PhD. degrees in 1996, 1998 and 2001 respectively in Electrical and Computer Engineering from IST, Technical University of Lisbon.
- He was a research fellow at INESC-ID from 1996 to 2001 and a post-doctoral fellow at INESC-ID from 2001 to 2013 developing research activity in microelectronics.

Luís Ferramacho
PhD (Senior Manager for Software)
At PETsys Electronics, Luís Ferramacho is Senior Manager for Software.
- PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toulouse III (2008).
- Msc in Technological Physics Engineering (2004).
- 15 years of experience developing software for scientific research and photon detection applications.

Carlos Leong
PhD (Senior Manager for Firmware)
At PETsys Electronics, Carlos Leong is Senior Manager for Firmware.
- Carlos graduated with a degree in electrical and computer engineering, a MSc and a PhD degree, in 2002, 2006 and 2011 respectively, from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), in Portugal.
- He has over 20 years of experience in FPGA, firmware and HDL programing.

Luis Oliveira
Scientific Consultant
Luis B. Oliveira was born in Lisbon, Portugal, in 1979. He graduated with a degree in electrical and computer engineering, and a Ph.D. degree, in 2002 and 2007 respectively, from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon. Prof. Oliveira research interests are the area of analog integrated circuits: Low Noise Amplifiers, Oscillators and TIAs, for high frequency applications.
- Since 2001 he has been a member of the Analog and Mixed Signal Circuits Group at INESC-ID. Althought his research work has been done mainly at INESC-ID, he has had intense collaboration with TUDelft, in The Netherlands, and University of Alberta, in Canada.
- In 2007, he joined the teaching staff of the Department of Electrical Engineering of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and is currently a researcher at CTS-UNINOVA.
- Prof. Oliveira has more than 100 publications in International Journals and Conferences, and is co-author of three books. He is currently an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II, TCAS-II, since 2018.

PETsys Electronics' Reseller for China
Customers in China can contact: PETsys Electronics' Reseller for China: TOFTEK (HU Wei) Phone:+86-13126869988 Email:
- Address: Room 413, Ruiyunwuzuo, No.99 Furongsanlu,
- Xishan District, Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province, China
- Post Code: 214000
- Phone:+86-13126869988
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- 电话号码: :+86-13126869988
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PETsys Electronics' Reseller for Japan
Customers in Japan can contact: PETsys Electronics' Reseller for Japan: TECHNOAP (Kasumi OGAHARA)
- TechnoAP Co., Ltd. (Kazumi OGAHARA)
- 2976-15 Mawatari, Hitachinaka-shi, Ibaraki, Japan, 312-0012
- Phone: +81-29-350-8011 / Fax: +81-29-352-9013

José Carlos Silva
Eng (Electronics Hardware)
José Carlos R. Silva is a Consultant for Electronics Hardware.
- BTS Electronics by the CNED, Grenoble, France and Industrial Course on Electronics, E.S. Avelar Brotero, Coimbra.
- Senior Electronics Engineer, LIP-Lisbon.
- In the CMS experiment at LHC/CERN, is ECAL Electronics Coordinator.
- Member of the IEEE RT2010 Executive Committee.
- Has 35 years of experience on Research Institutes and Laboratories:
- CERN, Centre Européen pour la Physique des Particules (since 1987).
- CPPM, Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (1990-1993).
- LIP, Laboratório de Instrumentação e Partículas.(1987-1990- and since 1994).